Monday, June 1, 2009


Truth of suffering = Life sucks.

Havent reall yhad the chance to bring it up. but what's the reason of bringing it up? How I expect things and now it's gone. Maybe I do need to expierence lost. But I don't want to ruin anything, But I know it's something I need to deal with. It's something I need to get out. Whatever the reaction is I can not controll nor can I really entisapate. Am I really asking from like what it can never give me? I don't want to make things akward. I can not risk making things uncomfortable. I feel very shattered today. Very scattered brain. Got dogged on by a fatty library person today. Not sure where I seen before, but I want to say from somewhere that's more than just a lab attendant. I still feel bad about it going to eat like I don't have enough to eat. But I did say I would go so I better keep my end of it. I know I already kept one thing so I shouldn't try to keep as many or at least not let it be known.

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