Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Do I really beleive? Since when does like to sleep so much? Well true email was not checked, but there could albe other reasons for that as well. That's even more rediculious that would get up to go on a date and not. Guess it's meant to be like this.

But besides more diapointment from the only source of it and this isn't fun anyways. It's not that I miss or anything, I just don't like this. Reminds me of something bitter. But lets not dwell on that. I still have douts and hold reservations on it so I shall not make the same mistake as I did before. I will not think like that. I will not disapoint myself like that again. I will not put myself through it again. I will not be like before. It really has been a long time since I have blogged because I was happy or excited about something. Seems like more often than before I seem down or more dispointed over something... Why am I so gloomy? Such an Eeyore when I once was a Pooh. It's time to be more Pooh like.

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