Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Suddenly it hit me just now. There was no reason to ask really. There's no way for to know. Only the one time I was was on, but only that time. Sneaky eh? But I dun think there's anything too incriminating. Or maybe it was all preplanned. It was all a setup. But it's not like I really got anything to hide. I just rather not let it be known. If it's not necessary than I will let it be. In a way it could be used as an upper hand or an insider look into things. It's just too what to call it.. sensative information I guess is the best way to describe it. It's something dangerious in the worng hands. Potentially be very dangerious and so it should be kept safe as possible. Rather not think so much. Either way it's not something major. But seeing the profile will makes me wonder how long it has been there. It really wasn't that long ago was it? But for some reason today stranger thoughts have crossed my mind. How things could have ben setup. How most things are not the way I think they are or appear to be. Not as simple, not so innocent. Are people really that devious?

For some reason I feel disapointed. And that only happens when you have expectations. It's like saying by not loving, one can never get hurt. It's a really touch and go subject. In a way thinking was there really ever a time to check? I guess now is time. But I thought it was wierd. But I couldn't think of the reason for it. And now it's starting to make sence. If it was true, how decetive. But there has been at least been a day so that's enough time. But at least no more now. I did fix it once it was realized. That's all I can do.

It doesn't matter what I think, it's what reality is. Reality can't be changed. No matter what I think or how much I think about it. It won't change a thing and will only tire me out. But I think because of that, it has clintched my decesion to sell.

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