Sunday, June 14, 2009


Hell of the stingy people. More shiet to put under your mango tree. but where is my mango tree? Just keep working, keep doing. More doing and less thinking my dear. You can do and think at the same time. Fear and Control -> Worry. I just want to feel like I am getting something done. Just keep moving.. No controll = no fear? Acting out of fear? I may think about that too often.

Put up more books to sell. At least I feel like I have done something. But I am still wondering where my little soft purse went. Oh where did it go?

  • For some reason yesterday night. Mentions of fat really got to me. I have noticed some weight, but I think it's more because of my eating habbits more than anything and lack of indifferent.

  • It was nice talking, and yet painful. As many thoughts go through my head. Reminds of something from the past. Told you not to put yourself through this. Not to put yourself anything that causes you pain. No waiting. No one is worth it. You got something to do then do it. But not for that reason. You keep moving. Always moving.

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