Saturday, June 27, 2009

Gee Gee Gee Gee

Last night was over at Steph's place till 2am. Watched pigeon play Diablo and I suddenly felt the need to play and jump in as well. But not at this point. But it seemed fun, good memories. But I am reminded by someone I talked to a few days ago that's still on that dragon game. Some people seems to never grow up do they. But yesterday there was a special on Ferria Fauset and her struggles with anal cancer. Made me wonder where she got it and it happens to be from HPV and we went on this whole disgussion with Steph and that's why we were there so late. The idea of it really scared me. Actually made me consider getting the shot for HPV. But after talking about it, I felt a little better about it. But still worry.

Today went to buy the rest of the cards hopefully for someone's graduation? haha. I missed a call about the dog Boris today. Try to remember tomorrow. Else, went to Rainbow and was actually really busy at work. Another interesting topic came up when Moe talked about what to do with her mother after she fell and the bother doesn't seem to want to take care of her. Current plan is to send her to NY where another sister can take care of her.

Overall today wasnt' bad, was able to get 2 packs of my fav choco cover mints. Was actually getting greedy and wanting more than I should, but I resisted temptation and I guess it kind of worked out that way. Bumped into the Girls Generation song on youtube and it's actually kind of catch and all very cute. Speaking of cute, was going through some of moe's magazines and such nice boobage. 6K for new boobs? Else Explorer 8 came out today and to my surprise I like it. Especially how the tabes are color cordinated. I likey. I also like how they highlight the name of the site. Oh and for the first time in a long arse time finally get some bonus minutes! But lets see how long this lasts.

I am having a hard time remembering the name of the show but at first I thought it was a movie, but after some comtimplating, it was a tv series where the guy had an online diary and it always started off with a date and the weather. I wonder why.

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