Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Today is not bad, had some jello and I thought I wanted ice cream, but I wasn't sure. Then I run into this image and it really made up my mind especially at the same time ice cream appears on tv. It's strange today how is not around. Makes me wonder... But good thing America's Got Talent was on to keep me distracted long enough, else I would have been screwed. Thank the the Lord. It was also nice talking to Todos today. Things are not as bad as they seem. But we shall see. Still have some problems to do among other things I need to get organized. Right after Conan.

So I find it strange how my nails are cracking, just like me. I need to take better care and be more pacient. Today ran into Miguel on facebook, so handsome. Who knew a fat MG could look like that. For some reason I always imagined him to be more childish and cute than so handsome. Either way, not like I can do a thing about it. Will try to get an early start on things tomorrow. Goodnight.

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