Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Worried and ancious about many things today. There seems to be a sence of unrest and uneasyness going around in the air. Let the other day, just yesterday actually. Taking it better than expected, but it could be like one saids, it's because of the calling and staying in touch that makes it easier to get by. But as time goes by, there will be less contact. But I have to deal with myself first before anything.

  • I worry about the the doggie
  • I worry if I will bleed. This will more or less become a monthly worry at this rate. Always a guessing game wether I will bleed or not.
  • I worry about how will react to certain things
  • I worry if I will be ready on monday

It really is funny how I dread monthly and now I want it to hurt and to be even heavy. I hope I am no exception to the rule. I hope for the pain, I shall pary for it. It's one of the things you dread as a female and need as a female to tell you when something is worng or all is alright.

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