Wednesday, June 17, 2009


And I thought I was skinny. It's wierd to see a guy has you beat.

Love: The Empress
Touchstone: Death
Career: The High Priestess

-->In affairs of the heart, you'll feel the need to break with a certain aspect of your past today, melly. Death is urging you to rid yourself of certain restraints that are being imposed upon you by a partner or friend, or to lower your ambitions concerning an established relationship. Luckily, the Empress is smiling on you and encouraging you to act with intelligence and kindness and avoid breaking things off too suddenly or brutally. At work, there's nothing much happening right now. Death is inviting reflection rather than action, and this may lead you to give up some material comfort in your search for the truth. Make the most of the situation to reassess your goals and ambitions - it can't do you any harm.
Even scope is telling me to leave it alone.

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