Friday, June 19, 2009


Being realistic. Desire, craving, and romance makes perfection where it's just not. Creats suffering when you are disapointed. Desire and ill will prevent us from seeing truth. Abandon desire to not see what we want to see. Abandon ill will to be able to accept truth. Anger and ill will pervert your perception. Get rid of fear and ill will to understand. Accept reality. Pain and difficult when you don't accept reality, it shocks you sometimes. Don't find the meaning, don't see the truth, it's more painful.

But I wonder, with no desires, no wanting, doesn't life seem so meaningless?

I predicted what would happen today. I made it happen, I could anticapate it. I create my own reality. I did get much done.
  • Tossed out bunch oh cloths
  • Returned a big chunck of junk
  • Put away some cloths
  • I don't want to break the card like last time so I shall leave it alone for now.
  • Did rebate and sent books
  • Bought lunch and dinner
  • Cleaned phish

Not too bad for one day. The one that can smile when everything goes worng. Get some rest self. Goodnight.

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