Friday, June 26, 2009


Who's the liar now? It's all miss understanding and miss interperatations for the most part. But you wonder what happened. Maybe it's too different and communication difficulties that make it all the difficult. Well I did say till 2 so I shall wait till then. Watched Transformers today and it was an utter disapointment. It seemed like the same thing over and over again. Else went out to eat and felt all bloated. Took till 1:58. But like the promise I made mayself, I shall not wait. I will not. I need to have more respect for myself and to take care of one self. I was surprised that they had guava flavored lemonaid. ironic today was the lemonaid fair and I didn't get any there, but I knew I wanted to but not at that price. And so later end up going out to eat and getting an even better lemonaid.

But it's strange today how MJ died and Ferria Fauset as well. Makes you think about your own mortality. Anal cancer and cardiac arrest? Scary isn't it? But no matter, lets just go. Get some rest and we shall figure out in the morning.

On a side note, while watching Transformers, how the chick threw herself at him made me thing. Really can't resist tempations especially if it's served to you on a silver platter. And then the thing with Trent and Casandra and how he wants more. And then the strip club story how for a lovely price of $100 you can get head. How scary. The scary things in this world, things you just want to know about.

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