Tuesday, June 16, 2009


What to do when everything looks wrong and feels wrong? Yesterday was a bit agitated for no reason really and was even more agitated even more so this morning. Oh the bother. Looks like I wasn't trusting myself and just accepting when you know better.

Your Horoscope - Today, June 16, 2009
Follow your instincts before anything else, melly. Even if you have a tendency to listen more to your sense of reason and thought, put them aside. While your ears can hear words, your instincts and intuition can hear what's between the lines and provide you with a much bigger picture than what's being presented. Even if everything sounds right but feels wrong, you'd do better to trust your feelings. Act with careful consideration and caution.

~It's just not right~
I guess I should have read this before the exam. But it's hard to say. Points are really small in this class. Very heavly weighted. Well all is already said and done. So all is left to do is more reason to do better on the others.

You belong to me = ownage, it's a fun turn but not really into owning. But to think of other more than yourself we tend to like to forget about one self. To get away from it all to get more done. It's Tue already, hope it's helping with the complection. I think it is. Sure not as painful.

I think last night I was irritated about spending so much on sending a silly bookage, but it's just money. My bad for not making things clear. (Oh dear neighbor dun leave ur purse laying around)

Somehow I don't want to wait, but yet I do. Is it better to wait? I know it doesn't happen on the other end. Am I just putting myself through this just to feel pain to know I am still alive?


A change of pace

  • change of color
  • change of mind
  • change of mood
  • change of heart.

  • Maybe it's about time I do something different or go back to what worked. Somehow I strayed from it. Go back to how things were. Go back home. Go in peace and loving kindness. Maybe it's time for another round of pancakes or what they call it hotcakes? You can tell from my postings it has really been a mess of late. Even looking at this makes me happying in a quite way. It really helps in organizing and with a single look, I can see what's going on.


    I need to keep moving. I shall start applying for jobs once again very soon today. But first should update the resume. I leave notes out of Email now since there's always the worry now of one knowing too much. But what is there left to eat? How upsetting some things can be. Is it better to now to know. Well if you think of it the other way around. Is it any more or less upsetting knowing? I know I like to upset myself. But it's a Tue, nothing exciting on tv anyways. But I should eat. That's the major issue of when I get to eat. Or to find another way around it. Just the thought of the potential result of the last exam has me on the fringe again... Hopefully it be better soon. But I did love how organized it was. One of the few times I can say I loved it unlike some other things. But what to eat!

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