Tuesday, June 2, 2009


I don't know if last night was more shocking or disturbing or what to think. It was more or less expected, but I don't if it was more or less expected. But at this point, I feel indifferent to anything. Like can it get any worse? It always can. I don't even want to look now. Too much trama for one day. One very long day. Hopefully today just take things at chuncks a a time. I don't know if I can take any more trama today. But I rather take it all in at one time rather than bleeding slowly.

I can't beleive I actually got sort of excited over such a low score. But it was sure better than what I expected to be. I can't even get a D in this class =(.. Yet I am still hopeful. On another brighter side got a call from Paster John about dogsitting. Excited about that one for next week.

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