Sunday, June 21, 2009


It has been fun having a pup around. Today wasn't so bad as long as I am not left alone. I think I should take her out for a bit. Though whatever concerns I have, nothing can be done. Who is she???.. A ponderance... Cute though I give you that. I know I should eat, but yet I can't bring myself to really. Tired, today has been interesting Father's Day. Pizza and cake. Didn't really go according to plan, but not abd either. Steph came over to visit pup and talked about some issues. Interesting thoughts. Go figure. Is it truely over thinking things and worrying and causing your own torture? Mom asked about that word the othere day as it appeared on a magazine rack. Today I decided to but what I needed as I figure I don't want to wait nor to depend on another besides one self to get things done and taking care of in many aspects I find today.

I think I will be okay. This morning I was feeling better after some streams. The pain seems to subside a bit and some distraction does help as well. But at the moment I'm not taking it very well. It seems to eat away at me a bit. I can only hope it gets better very soon so help me God. May anyone watching over me give me the strength to get through and over come this and all odsticals in my way. May I be able to free myself from my own prison.

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