Monday, May 15, 2017

Splitting into Two

I may have skipped one, but at the moment it's the new anthem. For the time being when I have my moments I find myself falling out of line, I try to remind myself to be in the moment. To promise me no promises. As much as I may enjoy how things are, it will not last. It may not get better, and may even get worse. With all the pending changes, not sure what would happen to me let along happen to you. Realistically I do really see us broken up as the company splits. What will happen then? Or what won't happen? It could be for the better or worse, only time will tell. I just know the last week has been unusually cold. Not even a bye.  Not sure what's up with that. I try looking the other way. Looking even at a career in another direction. While the optimism was short lived and realizing I am not a programmer nor do I want to be. Just leave things be for now. Work on what can give you the best ROI at the moment with what you are doing. Not sure where I may end up or the direction I'm heading. At times I feel the role maybe a little too general. But lets focus on what I want and not letting the stuff control me. If I say you go them you go. I will make it happen.

Do I not have enough good habits or do I have too bad ones? Back to habits. I do feel like writing does help in getting myself focused more, but at the same time I feel this time could be spent on better things like getting my craps done and not being trapped in my head. What can I purge, what can I clean up? There is just so much clutter in my space and in my mind. Need to physically and mentally declutter. It just seems hard to stay organized. I think for now I just need to organize and get rid of clutter around and within me.

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