Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Don't want your M&Ms to be too organized

I forget the wonders of hair and makeup. Ran into half and half makeup and then the elf costume and oh my. I forget how lovely and ethereal they are. Reminds me of another character. Forget the name at the moment.

So yesterday was wheeling in boredom and wondered what will I ever shall do. And then today rolls around and not enough time for anything. I want to spend some time chewing on some things on my own before I go chirping. But I don't want to waste too much time chewing if I could just ask and get an answer quickly. Difficult to deduct human behavior especially the weird ones. The not so normal and predictable ones.

So for myself, phone is being wierd, dim one moment and bright another. I should organize and check things off my list. If the item doesn't bring me joy or at least should not upset me, it should go. Setting time aside to toss things sometimes works but it's not as productive as I had hoped. Like closet cloths and pants not really productive. Going through sleeping cloths was better and much more productive but then again I don't use it often and was easier to let go and nothing new was bought recently. So at least one thing at a time if not cloths then foood that's not tasty.

Even all this time I don't know who I am or who I want to be. Again it maybe I'm in my head too much and can't separate who I am or think I am to what I want to be or trying to get away from. 

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