Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Monday Will Take Care of Itself

the axonties of the weekend especially on Sunday worrying about Monday among other things. And here I am on a Tuesday and Monday did not fall apart. They took care of thenselves and Monday took care of Monday.

Earlier today wasn't sure what hurt more. Knowing you are there and not listening or not there and not listening? It's harder to come up with excuses for the lather. Gotta question your intentions and it could go both ways. All you do to get on their good side or to get what you want? Both in the same. Results may vary. Things can't always be the same. Would I have thought to say anything if nothing was mentioned. What's the point in saving it for later? What if later doesn't arrive? Gotta believe you will have something when the time arrives bs saving it for a time that may not arrive. I'm not sure if scope saids anything but I'll try to take this moment by moment. Would things be different if I knew the truth? Have to protect yourself from disappointment. Not sure the best way to do so. But you gotta ask yourself why you do the things you do ? Is it really for you? Try to think of the other side. What result would I want? Like I tell ppl about the restaurant, do I want them to visit? I actually do if you ask me. I would not have said anything if I didn't. Would have kept my mouth shut. I may mention it once to be polite but not again. Is hard to read and get a cue from. Could mean anything to nothing. Can only consider what I want and best for me especially in a time of uncertainty to know what's out there. For all I know is a secret recruiter.

I'm suddenly having a moment of dajavu again. All this suddenly seems all too familiar. As if I already had these thoughts and moments that has already played out. Like I feel like I know what will happen. Maybe I have been in my head too much. To lie something because it's similar? Is that a bad thing? Or to like something you admire or aim to be? Is that so bad?

No Regrets: doesn't mean nothing bad would not happen just it won't be because I didn't do anything. If it ends up bad, it will be my doing in line with the flow hints and cues from the universe.

Overall fairly productive today. Hopefully there be more productive days ahead.

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