Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Shifting Winds

It's like there has been a  shift in the tides. Many changes in the impending months. In a sense it put some things in prospective. Things that seems like it would not change and are that's a given seems like it could change. Many things in the coming year to change. Not sure how long will play out. Good buy to alone and me time. But in a sense you really will be more along now that individuals are moving out and chon goon closing shop in maybe the next week. Knew it was only a matter of time but it seem so soon and sudden. What will I miss more about it? Is it the familiarity? I won't have it as a crutch anymore.

Maybe the uncertainty has caused me to buy a small pink yoshi. Something familiar. I'm digressing. I'm not all cured of it, but at least today was a little better as muse was not on my mind too much after the morning. There were moments of weakness, but I think I'm being consumed of the changes coming up and the realization became more real.

There are more than one way to skin a cat. Since I'm having troubles with the mind, I will deal with the physical world and see what I can let go of. What can I free myself from. What can I clear out. Scope saids today and tomorrow should be pretty productive. Though a big part of me still fears being not productive, but the the current state is not helping. Do not fear the change. Do not fear failure. Not sure how I am going to do this, but I will figure it out.

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