Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Hamster Wheel

What's on my mind has been running around and around like a hamster wheel. Distracting at times. Should keep it at a distance and a realization how before I can be into an anime or series and dream up all sorts and be okay but not this? Think the difference between this and any other infatuation is the interaction. It fades over time as I get less time with it but with this, as soon as I think I have gotten over it, it comes back around like a bad pimple. Not sure what will happen with everything splitting. It maybe good for me but still rather frightening and the worry of being found out that you really don't know anything. Helpless without. How to get through it. Impending doom. Wonder how long before we know. I don't have answers for any of these questions. But I know I need to learn as much as I can while I can as it can end at any moment. 

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