Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Passive Aggressive

Folded some Jong earlier this week. No so pleased on how they turned out. More lumpy than the previous years but they held together. Found out elephant was getting his own pad. It's not a bad thing. Should really get your own space anyways. So on Friday I had a list of tickets I had to get an update on but apparently no one wants to chew on anything on fridays. Even silky chicken don't chew on fridays and rooster feels the same. Is it bad I'm the complete opposite where I use fridays to chew on things? Guess they will not be much help on fridays. But Friday I had a list and rooster just skipped over it saying it's for another day to work on. It's all like due soon but no... I guess we can't advoid it and will go over it on Thursday. I rather not wait until then but I don't have a choice. Like the other things on the list, as much as on Friday I wanted an answer, there was no answer or at least no one was ready to give me any answers. Usually rooster is pretty good with emails by today then all was dropped and rolled around. At least the ball rolled back. But I won't always have time anymore past 5pm anymore when you are free. Are there just some me things that will get done on its own time when it's ready.

Started to use a spong for makeup. We will see how well that stays or if it makes a difference.  And on a related note. Always feeling scammed. First by lawyer and then by eBay people saying your product is empty. If it's the one where the lid sealed, how would you get it open to see how much is in it? Though it hasn't happened too often. I don't even recall the last time it happened, but it still irks me.

So now is more certain than ever that chongoon is closing down. It's only a matter of time. Now sure how things will be or if it's for the better or what new challenges will there be. I don't like the negative outlook. I'll try to keep myself away free m it and not get dragged down by it. I'm not like you and don't want to be like you. What am I saving up for? What am I scrapping by for? Is it a crutch? I know I'm not there no no more as much barely, but it's still an excuse. I will have to favce what I am when it's no longer there. I need space. I don't know if much would really change, it be different. Either way, need to clear myself so I can focus. Not so many options. No weighing what is better or should do. There should only be one clear path and task at hand. Focus on what you need to accomplish and where you want to be. Data is trending. I never wanted to be health care front lines care my for people as you know you don't even like people, but maybe you would feel different if you experienced more people. Either way, lets work on this one step at a time now. I still don't feel I am any good at this or anything or how I will do any of it. It feels like so much. So many thoughts ideas, and visions. But all seem not obtaining and fleeting.

Overall think I'm healing. It doesn't hurt as much and try not to think too much for you. Pimples are still there. They seem to have gone deeper but with less pain but still there like many things. Away. It not gone. Haven't found a way to really cure it. Do I need to be more consistent?  Then I can use up somethings and toss it. Purge maybe of the physical aspects that holds me back more than the joy it brings. 

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