Saturday, May 6, 2017


There's no slowing down is there? I think I heard this one before but thanks to Raven I got a new song. I don't think this one will stick with me for too long either. Just not feeling like I won't get sick of it. But what is the real reason I am here? Usually I get into a slump and end up here writing. I'm not sure if this is helping or not or making it worse but it's the first time since the recent weeks of anxiety. Maybe it's more in my mind more than anything. As much time that has been spent on em, there's a feeling of calm and yet more focus on work. There will be another, there is also another just like the passing songs. So I guess, I do prefer this over the lather, but at the same time I am worried could this all change. I'm still anxious about other things to come. I'm not sure if listening to the mind podcasts helped or not. It cant hurt I appose.

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