Monday, May 22, 2017


I'm not sure what best describes today as the meeting in the morning has shed light on some of my thoughts and fears. Also seeing how Anoka is hiring a marketing director hints at where we could end up or no where at all. The meeting hinted at moving away from the current and to Adp as well as who would go where. It could be just ideas being bounced around. I'm not sure where I would fit in and am starting to worry. This has taken away from idol throught of my muse. The once fluttering pain and become dull when there is a shift in focus. I don't think an updated profile will do anything at the moment. I'm just waiting to be told what to do. I don't know where I would prefer to be as there is much to consider and also it may not be my choice to make. So far today has been pretty good when it comes to being distracted by my muse. Let's focus on what I can do for now in case things change quickly.

I don't know if writing helps but I think it helps to track time. All too often it seems to pass quickly and thoughts and feelings quickly forgotten. Though the thought of trying and failing frightens me. I think the lack of progress maybe worse. Tiny stepts. Don't fear the Change and of the unknown. Clear your world and your mind. Free yourself of objects holding you back. Don't collect for a future that has yet to be decided. May not be around for it anyways. Leave room for the things of now. Not future or past. Memories and potential are hard to let go. Keep ot and you're a hoarder, toss it and you are a waster. I can't do anything that has already here. I can't go back and change it. I shouldn't let others opinion clutter myself. Objects and your opinion don't control me. I will do as I please because I have to. I can't keep living like this. Too much clutter that doesn't bring me joy, only guilt. 

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