Tuesday, May 9, 2017


Good  things don't last. Bad things don't last. The calm also doesn't last. They make decisions based on themselves and we need to make them for myself too. Today company is basically getting a divorce next year. As the kids not sure how to feel about it. Things were gone no well and now the future uncertain and which side to end up being on if any. Just when you were starting to get settled in. Recent thoughts of leaving and how hard it would be may not be so hard anymore with the coming changes. May not have a choice now. My mind md wanders into the though of leaving em and with being so cold, it may not be such a tough choice or alternative. It's like I wasn't able to shake it and then this impending doom happens. It's as if I have brain washed myself into believing what I am when I'm the still hopeless worm that I am. It's rather disheartening. Busy or cold? Not sure but seems rather cold this week. What has changed? You imagin that things could change for the better and forget worse and realize maybe this as good as it gets. There is no better. This is it. Anything else pails in comparison. 

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