Friday, August 27, 2010


Tue, Aug 24, 2010

So I managed to get it done. Not sure how I did it, but it got done. None of it was as hard as it seemed. It's just a matter of getting it done and over with. I do feel better now that it's done. I do worry some if it ends up being anything. I will lose some freedom and other randomness that I have had the joys of dinkering around. And lets not forget about farming as well. Oh well, it will be what it's meant to be. I can't be bothered. This morning wasn't bad. Everything was fairly timely. Nothing was done early. More like it happened when it should, just on time. Can't really force anything. Not even people out of depression.

Your Horoscope - Today, Aug. 23, 2010
Don't be surprised if you receiving some intriguing news today, mel, either in the mail or over the telephone. It may be that a dear friend from far away is planning on coming for an extended visit. Or perhaps you receive word of a compelling career opportunity. Keep your eyes and ears open, as much interesting news is likely to come your way. Travel is indicated, so make sure your passport is up to date.

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