Friday, August 27, 2010

Remains Unseen

Thur, Aug 26, 2010

A really quite phone day today. Hopefully I can find something that will give me something to do. So they were talking about stalking people on the radio and I thought to myself I think we are all guilty of it to some extent. I mean even Malia does it. And today I end up on who's profile?... Anyways and it started to bother me slightly especially knowing what the little brother was up to. And it was about to be made worse when I had to be stuck listening to the current all day. But as luck would have it. We were not able to get it here and am stuck with Cities 97. Not sure for how long. Maybe long enough for me to get out of here?

So I think I may have had too much hard candy. Mouth is starting to hurt and a layer of film is starting to over it ever so slightly. I brought in the candy just to get it over with and off my mind. It filled out the dishes nicely. It's rather colorful. Makes me wish I had a camera to take a pict with. It sure would look nice. I do sure do have good taste in some good looking candy. What is really bothering my today is my pinky finger. It's the same pain when I get lazy and not use a nail clipper? I don't recall ever peeling it though.

~Tempted By the Fruit of Another~
Of late, have been feeling so. Even I want to say now I an starting to not care. What I smelled was some sort of stragonoff egg noddle. I think I need to pick up some milk today. Maybe I should stop by at home first and see what's there first before I end up with two cartons of milk.

I was thinking meat, but I can always do a tofu dish. So many foodies to look at. Not enough time to try it all. Well good thing today is Thur and tomorrow is Fri. Not sure yet what I want to do yet. I think I may have had too much bread for today. We shall see. I don't feel like driving all the way over to park, but it be closer to the stop sign over there to get out a smudge faster. Just make sure you feed yourself and try to do things that just off the top of your head and not to dismiss them so easily. You won't be getting much done that way.

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