Friday, August 13, 2010

Looking Out for Self

Thursday, August 5, 2010

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Emily Najjar
Technology Specialist
TechGen Consulting, Inc.

Delivering Today. Anticipating Tomorrow.

Rebecca Penner

Integrated Processing
PO Box 151
Goddard KS 67052
p. 316.440.5945
f. 866.591.6396
c. 316.708.1729

They are so secretive. Not sure what is going on. can say it's to keep out sounds or to keep in sounds.. I don't like it. I really have a hard time respecting privacy. There is none with me, nor do I trust.


Maybe useful. With so many forms, not sure which one to look for.

Gosh darn it, I am so cold and wearing so many cloths. Their time is almost up and yet they are still in there. Anyways, I do want to be compulsive. But right now don't think anything they can do except give me more excuses. I will wait till at least Monday to see what's their responce and what I can do with it comes to the gov. I am really getting frazzeled by this. It doesn't help that I am not feeling well. I just ache all over right now. I should call them first. If I spu and nothing the giv can do, I leave work for nothing. At the same time I do want to and not want to be here anymore. I will make the call and see what the situation is or what they suggest.

Good God....

Daily Planetary Overview
This morning's Moon in Gemini square Mercury can bring a certain amount of tension to communication and information sharing. Try not to get too irritated if you can't seem to get your ideas across as quickly as you'd like. You may just need to cultivate patience and persistence until you get it right.

Your Horoscope - Today, Aug. 5, 2010
Freedom of speech is likely to be a big theme for you, mel. Don't be surprised if you find yourself up on your soapbox in support of the rights that you believe in. Others are apt to listen to you attentively, so be clear and concise in your arguments. Imagine yourself as someone who is giving a pep talk for a group of revolutionaries who are ready to launch a fight for an important cause. You can inspire others with your positive and encouraging nature.

Today, the Magician and Justice emphasize the need for stability and security in your romantic life. This means that you will be looking to get reassurance from your loved one much more than normal, dear mel... And this is a potential source of danger today. Try not to be too insistent and forceful when demanding that reassurance. After all, "Rome wasn't built in a day." Professionally, you’ll be concentrating on working towards long-term perspectives. You’ll be showing great perseverance and tact in order to advance your goals, and you’re mainly concerned with being constructive. Under the aegis of Temperance and Justice, you are slowly building your little nest, by consolidating the bits and pieces you already have. This approach is clearly going to bear fruit.

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