Friday, August 27, 2010


Mon, Aug 15, 2010

It's rather strange that is not around at this time of day. Not sure wat is going on if anything. Really has been depressing. Today no one is really around. I wouldn't mind it as much is I was paid to sit here, but that's not the case is it? Had a talk with Malia. Really is a cool chick. Got some insight. How personality is so important.
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I really like the green. And it's easy on the eyes and has good contrast. I need more time to deal with things. I need more organization. The green may help though. It's nice to look at. Who knew, grass. Today no one was really at the office. It's nice. How things can be different. I am not sure what is going on with them two. It's not looking good at this point. Should I jump ship? You really can't blame me for locking up.

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