Friday, August 27, 2010

It's Not Easy Being Green

Tue, Aug 17, 2010

Can't say tummy is doing too well with so much sugar in there rolling around. At least one thing I did notice that the keyboard space bar wasn't sticking no more. So anyways, lets not bother with it. If someone doesn't feel it's important enough to let you know, than maybe it's not important enough for you to bother hearing it. There has been a few good samples to order today. Tuesdays seems to be the slowest. I can feel myself getting all anxious. Many things around here to be concerned aout. Some things about other people. Mostly for myself. Not like would use the planner anyways. If meant to use it, would have taken it right? It may barely fit in the bag. There are more times often than not I don't really feel like eating, though I should. In the end, what happens today doesn't matter. I got my own things I need to deal with. I know I lack trust. There doesn't seem to be anything I can do on this end. You can always come up with a reason or excuse for anything. It's eating away at me. Like a paracite feeding off me. "My god, it's amazing we got so far." Didn't think it would last through the summer. Summer hasn't gone well either way. I am tired of looking for something I am not finding. I don't want to search anymore. I don't want to look. I don't want to wait. But what am I? Am I needy? Am I controlling? What is it that I want? An I lacking excitment? And then buying something I don't need.. I should put myself first and make decesions based on my own wellbeing and consideration. Don't worry about others.

Garden & Associates

-Ship zon stuff
-Upload puppy picts
-Toss parm cheese
-Toss other fridger things

Omg, I just found the most adorable goldfish ring and ear rings. Ebay sure can take up a lit of time. Too bad not being paid to do so.

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