Friday, August 27, 2010

Uncaring Frustrations

Sat, Aug 14, 2010

It's the whole due diligance thing. I mean you are sitting there, I mean do you mean to not deal with it right now? I thought you would want it to be closer, but I guess not. So screw how you feel and do what's best in the setting. All feelings aside. I know I've got problems. But my feelings aside, can it be really such a bad thing if it makes them happy? I feel sad if it's at the expense of my own. So many Secrets...

To stare at..

I was thinking of going out, but then again there isn't anything I really want. I did got take a peek. There maybe a belt, but I am not sure. I got a few back home. I really can't see myself with a larger belt. But it's all less than $30 so I can't use the $15 off $30. I just have so much dout on all this. I am not even looking forward to it. I do really feel it will work out the way I saw from the start. I don't see why someone can't just enjoy the time here while it lasts instead mooping it all away.

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