Friday, August 13, 2010


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

There's always one isn't it? I am not sure where this is going. A part of me is really scared. A part of me really wants to stay. A part of me really wants to leave. A part of me can't see where I belong in this. A part of me wants to make something out of it. I had the same realization as I did the other times where as I was on the phone, there was nothing to talk about. It's so early in the day and nothing is going on. I am more or less consumed by my own demons. How long can this go on? I will find a time eventually. I worry about the worse.

OMFG.... it smells so bad... I can't beleive some guys can smell so bad. It's horendious.

Taro: Your romantic hopes might well be shattered today, and you may be forced to seriously consider a separation. The conjunction of the card of Death and the Star often indicates an emotional crisis, and it goes without saying that this could be making you feel very downbeat today. It’s difficult to give advice in these situations, but it’s no good swimming against the current or trying to convince someone to stay if they have already packed their case, dear mel. Deep down, of course, you know that with time you’ll get over it. In your work environment, your projects and your professional career seem to be stalling at the moment. You’re basically waiting for a green light or for a change in the organization, as in the absence of this your hands are tied and you cannot do anything, or commit to even the smallest expense. Having to wait like this is costing you your last nerve and yet there is nothing you can do. The alliance of Temperance and Death shows that you with a little good will you will be able to be patient and to adapt to the new order of things.

It has come back to this point that whatever happens, it doesn't matter as long as you are happy doing what you are doing, it no longer matters to me. I am unsatisfied with a lot of things that has come to my attention. There is really no one I can speak to about it. Yet there seems to be more pressing issues that needs to be resolved than what I want. Not to say what I want isn't important, but it just doesn't seem all that important with all that is going on around. When it is important enough to deal with? Or does it always take a backseat? When will it be its turn? How long do I wait? Is there a need for a talk? We'll see. There be a time and place for it.

And the many things to do while i still have my head on straight. I should go out and get some bread, but not sure where yet. I already got cookies, so do I really need more? Not really. I am also temped to stop by express as well.

-Wrap and ship zon

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