Friday, August 27, 2010

Getting Over

Tue, Aug 24, 2010

I try not to get ahead over myself. I didn't say much of yesterday's trip to acctemp. It was a nice morning. I have to admit it was really nice drive down there. Better yet, I didn't get lost there. I did get lost on foot both times going and leaving. But to my surprise was only 10 mins late going and maybe around 30 for leaving and less than 10 late getting back to work. Chicken sandmach is really good, especially when it's not a weekend old.

I always dread Tuesdays. It's always the long day especially when it hits 2-3pm. And the two jerks are hiding again. Good Lord, so bored today. I can rant and rave about a lot of things, but who cares. I am more cold than average. I want to chew on some carrots, but I am more cold to do it. I am not really that tired, but just bored to the point of tired of being bored. Head it kind of itchy today, but I don't think I really put anything in it.

I guess it's nice to read once in awhile. It can really pass the time by. And there goes an hour and I am still not done reading. I still an not sure how to deal. At times I am resentful and feel you don't want to put in effort then I won't. But at the same time I want to be understanding and supportive. I am not sure what is needed in the situation and if I should put aside my own needs. How long should I put mine aside? It's like an earlier scenario this week about considering others feelings and I seem to like to put them ahead especially at work. And then I am egged on to put myself first. Do I do the same for this situation as well? There's really not a one size fits all situation.

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