Friday, August 13, 2010

Sore Throat

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Is it really from just eating them stupid crutons? I was fine before and I just had them sticky hands to go eat a cruton... Gosh darn it. What scared me last night was how fast the pill disolved. I think I had it happen one time before. But I Pray that all is well. I really can't be stongy and let them melt. I really can't be carry them around with me all the time now that it's so warm. But it was scary how it turned powder.

Free motor oil..

So the plan for now is to swing over the Cub and to chug down and bunch of pills. Not like I got anything to do once I am home, so why not drop by cub around here? I am feeling tired and at the same time do not care. I feel the tiredness taking it's toll on me. I haven't been staying up very late and yet I have not been eating much either. I really need to eat something. And then I am worried about pills disolving on me.

-More throat meds

It's only mid weeks and I am already feeling this way. I do feel a smuge better after talking to the new chick. Maybe become an interesting ally in many ways. We shall see if this goes anywhere.

Just had a talk with the new chick. I do hope things are better for her than they are for me. But I do have a deadline for things. iT WILL BE DONE AND TAKEN CARE OF ONE WAY OR ANOTHER. And fine that jerk doesn't want to answer me. The throat is better. Not sure if it's because I am getting burned up over something else where it doesn't seem so bad. I should take something, not sure what. I guess a visit can't hurt. I am starting to feel a sence of urgency. It would help if I had my ss card. So I shall wait for it. I have dealt with it for this long, what is another 2 weeks? I am getting tired of not being paid. I wonder what is in store for me if I am not hear? That I think is what is holding me back. Lack of confidance I would say. I need to be believeable.

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