Wednesday, July 1, 2009


More shiet to put under the mango tree.

I knew with the calculator I needed to stay away from before I find too much to like. Way too much. Will always be the fish. Pleasent to watch from a distance, but not so nice to hold. And so Japan. Somehow things have a way of turning out the way I imagined it. But there is something I want to make note of. Yesterday or more like the other day on the phone. It was last Monday, spoke on the phone for a hour. But it wasn't until after I had such a deja vu feeling. I can't recall what specifically it was though right now. But while I was in the shower it hit me. We shall see if anything comes to me later. For now I have a sheet to focus on. Goodluck self, whatever happens can always put under the mango tree.

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