Monday, July 20, 2009

Be Beautiful

Part of the reason I think could be because I lack of eating. I know a downturn of all this is the lack of nurishment. I don't even want to listen to it. I don't want to have it running in my head. Just want to leave it be. Understand, doesn't mean I agree with it. Before I could have blamed it on not wanting to be seen. But now that reason isn't there. I don't want to do anything for anyone buy myself. That was there is more justification. It's rather gloomy out today. I don't want to depend on you anymore. I know it isn't easy. Seems so minor, so silly. Maybe it's all just too much. Lke before, I just don't want to admit it. Like it's not enough. But I know it's part my end. I know I haven't been holding up my end. Can I change? Will I change? I still don't want anyone to effect my own feelings and views. To affect my actions. I guess if I were to let it, I would have gotten off. Else I may have left it, and so I shall go on as I have. On my own.

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