Monday, July 20, 2009


Most of the time, really nothing in common. Else other times there are funny uncanny resembelance. But most of the time, it's a strange thing. It's more like a love hate thing. Not really sure what draws them in. But in a stange unfashion kind of way, there is maybe just a thing for wanting to change one and one self. Not sure if this is the taking in the injured or hapless animal in the side of the street and wanting to nurse it back to health thing or a thing for wanting the unwanted. It's an uncanny thing. I try and fail and don't try and fail. What would Ajahn Brahm say about this? I know it's a stingy situation. I don't really want to do anything for anyone besides myself. It's me the one I have to live with. While others thrive on presure. I think I am better with persuaion. It maybe a good thing for there few days I take the time to think about the reality of the situation in all aspects. I know I have a tendcy to live in a fantasy and dream. But at times, I need to give myself a break, so it's not a bad thing. But like others have said I need to realize the burden of all this. Can I live with this presure? Why one like this and what happens when you don't live up to the expectations? Is it really good enough just to try or is it more just do it untill you sussceed? Think had enough presure for today.

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