Monday, July 13, 2009

Letting Go

Sure I used this image before. Today was the first day of the last class I will take? Could it really be? The closer I get to finishing, the fear grows stronger. But I know if I do nothing, nothing will happen or the wrose. But I want to be safe and say if nothing happenes its because I didn't do anything not because of something I had done. Loing at the report that has to be done, seems so unsurmountable. Can't say the comp is helping being all laggy and stuff. Been on Mu. I wonder if it's a cause or an symptom? If it wasn't there, would I have gotten anything done? Or just another outlet? No, I don't mean mu, but Diablo. But I was having a brain block today so I wasn't able to write anything but a sentance. But I am flowing now.

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