Sunday, July 5, 2009


I want to try to make this quick, not much has happened, but some thoughts. Soon Steph be moving out on the 8th. Exciting eh? Pigeon went to a sci-fi convention without us. Jerk. But it's funny to hear there's a french kissing booth there lol But hey, what else do I expect? I just started to call him Bobo the other day. I really didn't expect to like him at or even much at all. But I have grown quite fond of him for the past few days. He has been much more well behaved than back in LSF. Going to misss the big bugger. Else, nothing too exciting besides a make-up haul at Ulta and $1 more importantly of all retractable eyeliner woot! And before I forget, I actually lost my wallet again, but this time at Cub and this time was lucky enough for it to be found. You don't know the releife I felt... On a sour not, fishie bubblier is busted and forgot to get a new one today.

I have been sleeping a lot of late the past 2 days just sleeping away the afternoon. I am not sure why, like I have lost some will or an onset of depression or something. But I think a part of it could be the worry of the Deriv exam. Antoerh part is the Powerpoint in which the group has not even started or even organized. I don't want to end up spending so much time on it, but I might end up doing so. But it's like the extra quiz. How I dread and dread.. I did try to prepare and dread some more, but at the end it didn't seem so bad at all or not as bad as I make it out to be. But it did help me prepare as I did scribble everything I got worng on the exam, but it was all something we had praticed. But one thing that's a mist. I am not sure what, or it could be someone. but I creat my own missery and wallo in my own dung.

~Missery Company~
It's true is it not? I know this part of my I try to deny. I can feel it all this weekend with what a Moe was doing and about Steph. I could feel myself loosing it and having thoes thoughts of ill will and wishful thinking. Although it's not really what I want, I don't want others to have it either. It's awful isn't it? Like how I want others to have a bad/hard time. It's like if things are not going well for me I sure don't want thing to go well for you either. So much ill will. Though today it wasn't so bad. It could be associated to attachment. Why else would I want such things? I guess of late I have been worrying about a number of things. Hopefully with time it will sort itself out..

For now take care fo yourself, goodnight self.

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