Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Think I like the hair more than the suit itself. Say a suit I actually liked a tankini. Cute and covers too on a comercial. So today got the score for international finance. Expected disapointment. But it could have been much worse, not that it wasn't bad enough. But I shall take it. Yesterday was not a bad day, but only because of a simple call the other day, I can get through the day easier. But I start to get restless, like alonging, yearning for more, when I should know it's enough. But I guess it's something to distract me from reality of what's impending..

So Sim stays over today, and we comfirm what Boris did waws a dodo on the carpet. Reafirms that I do not want a dag. He gets here and first thing he tells me is that I am sleeping on the floor because mom said so. Sad sad, knew she favored him. Went out to get some fried chicken wings just because it was buy 10 get 10 free. They were nice and crunchy. The pimple on my cheeck has stoped hurting from the past 3 days. Left a make of course, but sure better than hurting. In a fairly good mood because of that. Sure the exam earlyer today didn't go well, but overall didn't affect my for too long. But what's irritating me now is the buggie bites or maybe it's ants fanging me. They were starting to hurt so I put on some expired cream. It has a nice cooling feeling to it, so hopefully it helps. I really want to get a nail buffer now, asked Steph where she got hers and it looks like I am going to be making a $10 investment soon. Spent a good deal of time watching back to back NCIS. Who knew it could be so intersting. Or maybe I like the Dark Angel cute funny guy? keke

Speaking of Steph, today is the 8th and she moves in with Paul today and I noticed she changed her facefook status to engaged. It's a funny word engaged like when I first saw it, it looked like en-gaged. I am happy for her. I really am. A slight envy in there, but it's a good thing. It's only wishful thinking, if it really happened I wouldn't know what I would do or even want it then. Just as an option.

Someone poped in for a bit and disapeared. Not sure what happened. I really should be more proactive. I think it's better to pounce on things too soon than not soon enough. Think we try to think of the perfect was to do things, a fault free way when there really isn't one. But it seems a least troublesome way is to attack soon with careful calculated hast like buying the headsets. Don't think I mentioned that before. But it was more or less out of hast I bought them as an investment and didn't open them. But sold one over the weekend so am even with plus some profit. Good deal, but that act was out of hast. If I waited, the next day extra 50% clearance it be all gone. Sometimes you can't plan or predict these things.

Think I was bitten by an any on mi fingie. It's starting to itch and hurt a bit. Oh ye, need to pick up some pills tomorrw. See if I can remember. Not see, I will pick up pills. Other than that, good thing in a way sim is here to keep me company, else, I could be going a little crazy. But then again I got a few things I can and should be working on like my cheat sheet. So I better get back to it, I will check back on here soon.

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