Thursday, July 9, 2009

Bor Bor

That sure went worse than the last one. Not that I feel bad about it. I know it could be much worse. I know I can only thank whos watching over me and the Lord for giving me such an opertunity. I don't dare be greedy, but it can't hurt to ask. I wonder how much if any it helped? Is a B so much to ask for? I know the multi choice was some of the most difficult I have seen yet. It sure don't help that I am hungie. I think I may have toasted the raviolie a little too much this morning. But I need to get going and do some cleaning up before I leave. Have much to do to prepare. I feel disapointed and hapless like there was more I could have done. but what's worse is that I am pretty sure that there was little to nothing I could have done to do any better. I will get what I deserve. And that's that.

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