Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Sick and Tired

I think I have really become sick and tired from all the worry and stress I create for myself. I am not even healing properly. I hurt between the fingers and the legs and it hasn't really gotten much better. There's even a bump on me forhead. I want to go clean some things up and then have some ice cream. I hope this week goes by as quickly as possible. I am tired or worrying. I am ao darn tired. I don't want to care anymore. I want to stop caring. It's just too tiring. Not like the other end is helping either. I spent too much time on worry and tire myself out to do anything and make myself weak from it all. No matter the outcome, it will be shall it be. Stop thinking, stop worrying. It needs to be done eventually. It goes both ways.

I am even too tired to write anything more now. I had my ice cream. It was nice. At least someone did try and it at least gives me a small sense of tempory comfort. Soo how long it shall last.

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