Sunday, July 26, 2009


How much can you take before it hurts too much? Does it have to even hurt? It really doesn't. Already seen what I need to see today. Enough is enough. Field trip time. Be back soon love. Like they say, it's better to be lucky than good.

Not so creative with titles eh? How strange that I can't past anything.

Daily Planetary Overview
With Venus trine Jupiter today, someone will be very helpful. This person will be a source of wisdom and knowledge. They will act as a guide and give you advice on important matters. You'll have an easy, affectionate rapport.

Your Horoscope - Today, July 26, 2009
Do not downplay yourself or your abilities at this time, melly. You are on the brink of greatness, so act like it. Things should be going quite well if you let them. Don't clog up the works by thinking that you are unworthy of the good luck that is sure to fall your way. If things don't work out exactly the way you wanted them to, take this as a sign that the situation was not right for you anyway.

~This is interesting. I wonder what I am feeling is real or just an illusion? I am not really sure. But I did have the thought before that if it doesn't work out, then maybe it's not for me and here it is. Like it has been watching me. I shouldn't worry about it. I will make this all work out one way or another. Things have a way of falling into place weather I want to beleive it or not. I worry over things that at the end of it's cycle, all end up where they belong, as painful as the process maybe.

Love: The Devil
Touchstone: The Tower
Career: Strength

If you don't temper your enthusiasms today, you'll be on the road to disaster, dear melly. The alliance of the Tower and the Devil indicates some excessive behavior on your part that won't be appreciated by those around you. This will result in harsh words and raised voices, and maybe the slamming of a door which you will live to regret. Jealousy is a grievous fault. Try and realize that before it's too late. At work, the difficult influence of the Tower brings problems with personal interactions, missed appointments, and misunderstandings… You really need all the perseverance and the determination that Strength can provide in order to not just throw in the towel. That kind of unstable environment demands a lot of commitment, organizational sense and determination from you.

~This is all too familar scene. Loving kindness dear. If you are not part of the solution, then you are part of the problem. You can't ensure anything. You can only say that you tried and then blame the other person. I don't want to ever hear that you didn't try hard enough. That's also something that's all too familar. But I don't need to answer to you.

~Early Bird~ What's with the wierd spacing? How strange, but everything else looks okay. So what to do? No matter, I will make so with it. So this morning was dragged out of bed to watch Peigon weight lift at the gym, but that work out. No instructor and Nick and Christine with their 9 month old was there too. And I was all excited with my camera and everything. But the day before, I had a feeling that it wasn't going to work out. Not sure why, but I just knew it wasn't going happen. In a way I didn't really want to do once it got late in the evening the night before. I could be just sheer lazieness and I didn't want to go because I was tired and was hoping he would forget or cancel, but he didn't. But I did end up getting a turtle mocha. It was okay. I got all the ice at the bottom. And we got to see a hottie coffee girl with plenty of boobage. Ended up trying to look for some work cloths at Pennys. Else, todays trips were quick for some reason. Was in and out, and not much dinkering around. Spent quite a bit. But it was very effecient. Well that's that for now. I should go clean out a bucket and then pack up my cloths. Hopefully I can get some research done or better some vocab so I feel like I got something done and I won't feel so bad. I want to get confirmation on where I need to be next week before I blaze through the company info. I don't want to spend time on something I don't need. But maybe it's something I have to do. But it shouldn't be too difficult. Please don't it hard on yourself.

~Frustrations~ I am still really urked. I know I shouldn't be. But I can't deny the feelings. I know I can make up some things in my head. But I will wonder, why no responce? Maybe it's the same reason. Maybe I need to find a new muse. Got a text from Ian. Thought that one was forgotten. Should it be someone else? Maybe it's a sign. To be less concerned. Think like a misstress. It's a way to protect yourself at the same time not be too attached. You are like the extra activity as I seek out other activites as well. Guess never went through guidelines of exclusivity. Oh well, better go get some things done and then I can lounge and watch some cartoons. I don't want to wait anymore.

~Nervious~ I often had wondered why some maybe anxious before an interview and it's becuase so much is at stake. I didn't think I would be in that position and always thought I would never get into a situation I would feel that way. It's the waiting that kills. But I really think reading up on some things and getting things done will make you feel better and it's possible to acomplish thoes things. By dwelling on it, you make things feel worse. You know you are too much of a thinky feelie person. So lets get some action going dear.

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