Saturday, July 4, 2009


It is truely better off on your own. No need for more room. Was doing fine earlier this week. But since yesterday and this morning, I am feeling distressed. It would be worry on another aspect. But this can't be helping either.

Got back on Thur and was feeling slightly motivated, but was short lived. So brought Boris back. Didn't realize should have put down both seats because was getting fluf all over the place. And poor thing was so scared of getting in the back. Else stuck head out the window and let the wind blow in his face. It was like a scene from Bolt. Was hessitant to let him do that. There's always the fear he just might decide to leap out. We had a hard time getting him to sit, but finally got him to sit when he sliped in the back. Got doggie slober all over the window. Else he's a good dog to walk. Sure is attached to his blankie.

The last night before we left for some reason he cried. I didn't know what the reason was. I did all I can, but to no a due. It turns out like Barb saids, he's a big baby. Has attachment issues. (or I can't think of the word for it right now) Steph can to visit Boris and thought he was cute and took some pictures.

Steph finally got engaged or at least got a ring. Who knows if it means anything at all if anything. I didn't expect so many blings, enough to all up to a certain number. Else it's nice, as long as she likes it. Went to visit pigeon and steph and watch sim and pigeon play game. Nubin pigeon somehow got himself banned for killing too fast. Wasn't really too excited about going (but then again since when was I all gun hoe in going anywhere) but did pick up some cloths and on the way try to do the recording, but the recorder was going all wacko.

~Droping Flys~
Last week the stares really have been droping like flys. You got Wacko Jacko, Ferria Fassut, Sham Wow dude, and so on. It's a thought that has crossed my mind how stares burn out. Many will in my life time (not like it's going to be that long).

~Letting Go~
I know someone is tired and so am I. But at least someone finally showed around after 2 days. But I think I rather leave it off still. I try to make aolie today. It doesn't look too bad. Think I put too much on the first time. (Got a little too excited) But I am so tired, so lets get some rest bit first.

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