Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Slow Achiever

Really no sense in saving something for the idea time if it ever arrives. Can't be bothered by what others are or or not doing. Think overall have to be more interesting. Like said so many things happen and you need to carve out the pieces that are interesting even if you gotta play it up so you have something interesting to say.

Maybe too much Hussey videos and not enough focus. Didn't touch anything remotely that was school related today. Oddly enough the radio for the time I was listening to it was playing all my favs.    I feel mayself getting anxious and impatient. I just want to get things done and over with while putting off other items. There really isn't anything there and the whole move slowly to see others solutions or alternatives pop up to step back to see where all the pieces lie holds true for this situation. I'm my mind I want to impulsively take action but it reminds me of the videos of being too much in your head and planning out things too much. Maybe everyone has one. No need to say anything until they are in your hands. God forbid they know of it. Knowing will only be utter disappointment. But seriously, like you winning anything means something is up that it's a mass lottery that everyone won. Too bad you were no different.

It's funny when I thought I had quit you. Well not really just under control when the first thought my mind wondered to. Of course it is not anything like in my head but it don't mean I can't still plan it or let it play out for fun. Always disappointed at the end of the day when I'm left with nothing. I am struck by how much fun the summer group is. I want to know more. Why is it not all groups are like that. Is it being by familiar faces or accounting people just lame in that kind of way. I'm still not sure what they all do. I should find out.

It really is all my fav songs. Please have mercy on me. Please don't put yourself through this anymore. The heat is killing me. I just need to get away. What can I toss? Cleared out some food today.

-Check on crabbie
-toss something

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