Monday, July 10, 2017


Had some minor bumps this weekend mostly on Saturday when watching external love for a bit and found myself wandering. But it's doesn't have the pull like it did before. On Sunday night got a little too couious but it didn't do anything didn't help or hinder. There is so much you don't know. Interesting but not like it mattered. You only know what you know. Overall mostly calm and was able to shift the focus realativly easily. The longing is not as strong. It's more curiosity level at this point.

These eat buds are sure not good at all. There sure has been progress when it comes to eat buds. I'm never t sure if I should put some things off or try to work on them now. I think I should do them now as the impending doom is arriving sooner than later. More focus on organizing and cleaning. If I learned anything, really don't get much done there. Was able to get a few things looked at, it's better than nothing. Most of the progress really was done away when I can hunker down. can't work on this in the evening really. Don't have the alone time to do so. Not sure if getting your own place the answer. At the moment have to do what you have to do.

Is it a bad sign that the activity tracker stopped working? Focus on the tasks at hand. Be one with the activity of the moment. Don't let it scare you. Like so far the company paper isn't as bad  as you thought. You learned so much about the company and plowed through that annual report at a day care. You didn't think you would be able to get anything done or focus but you did. I'm reminded of the arrival of working at the new you're times and how they sit in an open space with noise everywhere and yet they are able to get stuff done. It's due to that they are able to focus on their own task.

Utterly disappointed with how I was not as prepared for the exam. It could have been so easy and there happened to be so many questions on the same topic on the stages. I really can't let that happen again. The prefer chick seems really bright. Not like I didn't get enough sleep, more like not enough energy. Tried to work out a bit even. Maybe I should just eat in the morning. I can't seem to bring myself to eat in the afternoon. Not like there is anything I want to eat. Think I need to plan this all out better. This is gonna my to be a rough week. The heat, the smell, the tiresome. Some of it could be due to the bleeding but I am overall feeling numbed amd cluttered. Starting to get worried again. Looking at the time makes me even more worried. What am I holding back for. What am I waiting for? What am I saving it for? 

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