Sunday, July 23, 2017

Irrational Unreasonable Moments

Irrational slightly unreasonable, responsibility irrational.
So something Hussey said that really was on point about the desire. It's the mystery. The space between. It makes sense because you don't really know and there's so much to know. It's the lack of predictability. To know someone a little less because they are developing. A side of someone you don't know.  The unknown. Desiring the unknown, to know that sparks attraction. Once you figured it out, it gets boring.
Keep playing these games in the head and having a hard time temporary getting it out of my head. Many other things wondered by and makes you think of how life is so fleeting. tried reaching out to arse, and for a moment it would play out like a movie. It all plays out like a movie in my mind, but in the end there is only utter disappointment. It's always the expectations.  Fear of the unknown future. Always playing it safe. Then the fleeting life aspect comes in and prompts you to do something. To drop hints maybe. But maybe you should just accept what it is. That there is nothing to do about anything. Playing these games with myself. Goes back to to talk about being a well rounded interesting attractive person. Have to be okay on your own. Cant depend on anyone. Will no depend on anyone. Have to do what I have to do to get through this as there is another paper to write tomorrow. Will not let this bring me down. I will resent you for this.

Persevere: Kill them with Kindness
Back to Gomez. The hamster is running around on it's wheel again. More like it got lose and is running around in its ball and leaving turds everywhere. Ran into this song on the radio a week or so back. A sign to find a new obsession? Again I spent enough time on this the last 4 days that had enough of this. Also had enough typing. So close to finishing paper that can taste it. Still got 3 pages of final to go tonight and then some finishing touches on the last paragraph and it be done. Still got some wiggle room on the final paper. Usually would be okay in the quietness but have lost control and can not be left on your own devices. Be kind if you want to. Ask questions if you want to. But don't expect anything in return or anything at all. If there was a time you expected, then it's not coming from the right place.

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