Thursday, July 6, 2017


Today is basically day 3 of the calm. Last night I would not call it a slip up but some axanties from just the paper more than anything else rocked the boat. Overall feeling ok today. More clam still than the past weeks. Thoughts of all the things I still have yet to do worries me but I'm trying to just intently just focus on the moment and whand to do not and not worry about the weeks ahead. Like Monday, it will work itself out, doeamt need me to worry about it. I'm. I'm not sure if it's due to dropping the rose colored lens that it all doesn't seem to interning anymore that it has all played out or that the lens has changed ? It's not exciting anymore where it would be something I looked forward to but just getting cramps done. Rather indifferent at this point. Pants are still nice but it's not the same.  It also could be those videos on traction and realizing it's not there.

Let's see what I can work on today. Hopefully be as or more productive. To get a section completed but maybe better to look at some samples, not like would k ow what the true intentions are more would they let outsiders know anyways. Today is teeth cleaning day. Hopefully no cavities. Know have not been doing  as good of a job that I could. What else can I toss? What else can I let go of.

I knew i jinxed it. Dodged the bullet lonm enough, only a matter of time that you get shot. 

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