Wednesday, July 26, 2017


Day 2 of the calm. Don't let them push you around. Have to get into big chicks head and not let the frog push you around. It's your own tail gotta look after. There is a reason that big chick is 2x the frog. Think this is second time this has happened. Know anal  big chick better to advoid getting chewed up.

there an urge to get things just because it's cheap but again nicer fewer things perfected. No need to be anal on my own things only to the things others will see like for big chick. Don't think put in as much effort over summer courses as would usually but think not having a textbook made it harder and having vague power points didn't not help. Hopefully it be enough to get by. Not like really did learn anything, it's more about knowing some people. On to the next project beyond baking, detailing car and cpp as rest of summer goals. Not much time left so better get started. 

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