Saturday, July 22, 2017


Upset beyond mad that I left the most updated copy at home and somehow I tagged the wrong freaking form. Screw zip files and so many freaking icons on the desktop. Going to stash them away because there's freaking too many of them and can't seem to keep them straight. How long has it been sitting there?  Do something with it. Toss it or hide it as long as its not in the way. When it's getting in the way then we got a problem. Frek. Will have to see how can get around it. Things don't always go the way you want it to or expect.

Sapose ear buds with the radio works best at the library. Didn't work at home, but had yourtube running among other things running around. 4 hours at a time is enough, it's what you get in on a normal workday.

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