Friday, July 21, 2017

Flakey Competent Confident

Consequence for being Flakey: show interest, but will not wait.
If you stay ready, you will never need to get ready. 
Stand there be cool be James Bond
Desire = as attractive as you are, Standard = not my style, don't move that fast,  Inspire = ask me out again, would love to see you again
Competence = understanding that there are patterns in relations, well duh
  • Surface lvl = what people see, how you move and inflect your voice.
  • Life Style lvl = things that give you confidence, your job, car, hobbies, skills, house, things you can go back to at the end of the day. What else makes you feel worth while. Work on other parts of your life. Don't be boring. Got 4 good hours of work in a day, other ten was pretending. Accept how pathetic you are. Hobbies make well rounded people, well rounded people are attractive. They will keep you interesting. Combinations of qualities will keep them addicted to you.
  • The Call confidence= part of confidence is what you are left with at the end of the day. I am iron man. I didn't lose the tv show, the tv show lost me. Sees the value in staying.
Don't worry about imaginary problems. Deal with the problems we have. Be okay with being on your own.

If you are scaring away sardines, go date tuna.

Overall from this podcast what I got out of it is to be more honest by telling people what you want but sugar coat it a little to not be too blunt or mean.

Can't believe Chester is gone right when I was getting back into their music. The thought of that being their last album. The thought that his music still lives on though he is gone way too soon. This day has been a dreary one. Keep coming up with reasons for not being able to get something done. Think have gotten use to writing this on the phone vs typing now days. From scope, there is something I want to study, but it's not something would have access to study. It's all fun and games until someone gets hurt.

Image result for audi a4

Been obsessing over a few things today. First was digging through OST for ten miles of cherry blossoms and then it was the A4. It was actually the other way around and then the news of Chester hit. Wasn't sure what I can or wanted to do anymore. Was all consuming. I'm not sure which is worse.

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