Thursday, July 6, 2017


Scope "Try not to get too bogged down by other people's negative attitudes and clashing opinions." 

Taro: At work, today is marked by a need to take stock of your position. The association of the Hermit and the Emperor suggests that you should take a little step back to establish your strategy for reinforcing your position and to plan better for the future. With perception and impartiality, your battle plans for your career would do credit to Napoleon. Give yourself a pat on the back!

Well someone is being a little baby today. What crawled by you arse and died. Was too much being asked? It really should be a simple update to the name seriously. Why would it be so hard to change! Try reading once awhile these. 

Been thinking about what direction I'm heading if I'm even going anywhere. I can't really what podcast it was but I feel it really helped in getting focus and another part in time and space from muse and topped with the coldness from today has sealed it in for a bit at least. The last two days been feeling more free than in the past days prior. The axanties were debilitating. The last two days my moms has been more free to focus. There has been more flow and less resistance. Was able to go from one task to another more freely and do the things I want to. I was feeling okay in the morning but as the day wears on the axanties are creeping in. 

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