Thursday, July 20, 2017


Going to miss the class groupie. It seems like no matter what effort is put into the papers end up with the same results. Am I not paying enough attention? It's not what I think is important, it figuring out they think is important.

So today is only midweek but it seems like a Friday already. Need to have something I want to do. Something to look forward to. Today was the first time in awhile I'm finding TF rather dull beyond the one or two word as expected responses. Was not really feeling it today anyways. How to get more of the grind done? Eyes are starting to bother me again. How one goes off to eat queso on your own? Well I'm assuming it's on your own. What about tomorrow? Where to venture off to? But I don't feel like rushing. Got a few days to work through it. Got things I want to do but not sure if I really want them, or think I want them, or should want them, or want them because others want them.

So funny thing today or it started yesterday or even goes as far back from earlier this semester that greek fella drives an audi and then saw the white audi a few weeks ago and was hooked. Not sure what model it was as they all start with A something. But I found myself looking at them and now they keep creeping up in various places. Well at least for now until I get tired of it I have something to loo forward to.

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